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Our goal is to expose those segments of local government that are corrupt, secretive, abusive of the citizenry, or perhaps just so terribly inefficient and misguided that they hinder government effectiveness, waste money and resources or, in some instances, actually endanger us.  Once these bad parts are identified, we can vote them out of office, or if they are not elected, terminate their employment.

Jay Stone vs Robin Vos, Et Al. Ethics Commission

Jay Stone filed two lawsuits alleging legislative leaders appointing commissioners to the Wisconsin Elections Commission and the Wisconsin Ethics Commission. The suits maintain that the legislative leaders' appointments to the executive branch violate the separation of powers in the Wisconsin Constitution.

Ethics Lawsuit

Elections Lawsuit

Stone Files Complaint on Wisconsin Election Commission


Jay Stone petitioner with H.O.T government files lawsuit on WEC. WEC does not have the statutory authority to accept absentee ballot requests Complaint ask for injunction to stop WEC from continuing accepting absentee ballot requests.

31. WEC commissioners and Administrator Wolfe created a signal Internet location for  
all Wisconsin electors to request absentee ballots without the statutory authority to do so. In an April 7, 2020, Absentee Voting Report, WEC commissioners and Administrator Wolfe wrote, “MyVote is a public-facing website that provides a central location for voters to submit an absentee ballot request regardless of where they reside in the state (April 7, 2020, Absentee Voting Report, p. 9). Because no such statute exists, WEC cannot cite a Wisconsin statute that provides WEC the statutory authority to create a centralized website that allows Wisconsin electors to submit absentee ballot requests to WEC’s MyVote website regardless of where they reside.


Motion for Injunction


COMPLAINT FILED ON RACINE WI. MAYOR "BRIBERY"H.O.T. Supporters,Former 20 year Racine Alderman Sandy Weidner and H.O.T. supporter Kim Morrison have filed a bribery complaint on sitting Racine Mayor Cory Mason and Racine Clerk Tara Coolidge. The City entered into an agreement with Center for Tech and Civic Life which constituted prohibited election bribery under Wisconsin Statutes § 12.11.  Any agreement where the City’s election officials receive Center for Tech and Civic Life’s private money to facilitate in-person and absentee voting within the city violates Wisconsin Statutes § 12.11’s prohibition on election bribery. The city of Racine received $ 1,699,000 of the Zuckerberg money funneled through the Center for Tech and Civic Life.





Please find open letters to  ST. CROIX COUNTY AND SHEBOYGAN COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEYS concerning charges from the Racine County Sheriff’s Office (RCSO)  regarding members of  the Wisconsin Election Commission. The referred charges all stem from official functions of the Commissioners and the investigation into the same by the RCSO.



H.O.T. Government openly requests you act on the charges referred by the Racine County Sheriff’s Department or openly state that you refuse to issue the complaints and charges referred to you by the RCSO. Your office received referred charges from the Racine County Sheriff’s Office (RCSO) on or about November 3rd, 2021, concerning the following Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) Commissioners; Margret Bostelmann, Julie Glancey, Ann Jacobs, Dean Knudson, and Mark Thomsen. District Attorney you have  received the referred charges from the RCSO and there is no action or official statement from you and your office concerning the prosecution of the crimes presented to you for prosecution. Please see letters.

Open Letter and Follow-up to D.A. Urmanski 

Open Letter and Follow-up to   D.A. Anderson

Open Letter to Racine D.A. Hanson

Follow-up Letter to D.A. Hanson

2nd Follow-up Letter to D A Hanson

On November 11, 2021, the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections held an informational hearing on the following:

Racine Sheriff Special Voting Deputy's Report

 PowerPoint used during your testimony before the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections on November 10th, 2021.

Feb. 10, 2022 letter from DA Hanson to Sheriff Schmaling

Feb. 14, 2022, Media Release from Sheriff Schmaling

Feb. 15, 2022 H.O.T. Media Release

Complete Mandamus Attached   On December 16th 2021 a mandamus was filed in Circuit Court in Milwaukee County claiming ballots were printed in the Milwaukee Clerk's Office for Biden. Memory sticks were used with the illegal ballots by nefarious actors who had access to voting tabulators. City employees were told to follow directions of CTCL. The clerk's office accommodated overnight guests and gave access to computers in the clerk's office. The activities outlines a massive voter fraud operation. All witnessed by more than one whistleblower one being a police officer. 

Milwaukee County Case Number 2021CV007624

Executive Director of the City of Milwaukee Election Commission Claire Woodall-Vogg,  
Michael Lawrence City Hall,
Defendent Doe 

Hot’s  Argument at The Supreme Court

WE THE PEOPLE- the Citizens, have an absolute right to review ballots we contend were counted erroneously and which, if corrected, would reverse the outcome of a BILLION DOLLAR TAX HIKE on the taxpaying Citizens of Racine County, WI.    Read More      

 Give a Little Save A Billion


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 A press release was held and  a lawsuit was filed on the City of Racine naming Mayor Cory Mason, and others. The lawsuit asks the judge to compel the city to produce the requested documents, award the plaintiffs reasonable attorney fees, actual costs and damages and find that the city of Racine is wrong in denying the records requests.

 Mayor Cory Mason, City Clerk Tara Coolidge and other city officials  have been slow in turning over records from November’s presidential election sought by election integrity groups H.O.T. Government, Voter Alliance and state Rep. Janel Brandtjen (R-Menomonee Falls), who is chairwoman of the legislative committee charged with investigating the election. All  plaintiffs filed the lawsuit asking the Racine County Circuit Court to enforce the state’s open record laws and demand the city stop stonewalling the open records  requests.

Complaint   Exhibits

                       Racine County Response to H.O.T. s Records Request
Attached is the records response from Racine County. H.O.T. Government requested these records on April 8, 2021. As you can see from their response no emails were produced or for that matter extraordinarily little of the response was answered. We can only conclude these are obvious stall tactics by Racine County to hide information on the 2020 election.

Additional emails from Racine County

HOT Government Mission Statement:
Our mission is to promote and support Honest, Open and Transparent government with the intent of allowing citizens to monitor, assess, assist, and hold it accountable.
Subsequently, we are releasing all open records information we receive from the City of Racine and Racine County as they become available. We will be uploading this information to our Dropbox account. Each informational link will be shared to our Telegram Channel at and on our website to get notified of new information please consider subscribing to our Telegram channel  or website we have much more information to release.

Dropbox Link


The people of Wisconsin have historically been hard working, honest, generous and loyal. But perhaps our greatest failing has been our tendency to place trust in people who have not earned it, and in fact abuse it.


 Citizens have the right to access the documents and proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight.  Government should be open to public scrutiny and susceptible to public opinion.


In a free society, transparency 

is government's obligation to share information with citizens. It is at the heart of how citizens hold their public officials accountable.

The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.  PRESIDENT JOHN F KENNEDY ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION, APRIL 27, 1961


Fighting Corporate Censorship by Establishing Free Speech States

While private corporations are free to regulate the speech that occurs on their platforms and
choose who they will or will not hire or transact business with, they are not entitled to enrich
themselves with tax dollars paid by the same people whom they are denying the exercise of
Constitutionally protected speech, political activity, and gainful employment. The remedy to
this problem is the establishment of “Free Speech States” with state-level legislation that

Prohibits the Following:


  1. Government Spending on Social Networks that Censor Legal Speech.

  2. Contracting with Corporations Engaged in De-Platforming.

  3. Conducting Business with Blacklisting Financial Institutions.

  4. Contracting with Corporations that Engage in Political Employment

  5. Investment in Anti-Free Speech Corporations.

Forensic Audit of Redevelopment Projects

Taxpayer’s must take steps to protect themselves from serious risks on multiple fronts. Racine’s failed developments projects Machinery Row, Porter’s Project, Arena, to name a few have threaten the long-term growth and financial health of our community. While continued failures can bring needed services to a halt. HOT GOVERNMENT calls for an independent accounting firm to conduct a complete forensic audit to determine if these developments have been lawfully managed.

Public Records Request System

Public records are critical to democracy and to our ability as citizens to hold our government accountable for its actions. HOT GOVERNMENT calls for a public records request system. The public can quickly and very easily request the documents they need as well as be notified automatically that the process has begun. Citizens make their document requests through an online form and receive automatic status updates whenever action is taken on their request. The responses and communication are visible online in real time.

Financial Transparency Online

Transparency is best fostered when citizens can access and read through city information in an easily-accessible format. We want to know where our tax dollar are going, how safe our city is, and how well the city is performing. Our current online system in Racine is difficult and time-consuming wading through a bunch of data hoping to find an answer only to be frustrated. HOT GOVERNMENT calls for an open financial transparency data plan. First creating open checkbook data and dashboards of fiscal information where citizens can track their tax dollars in real time. This transparency should continue into trash collecting, public works, parks department, GPS real time tracking, mobile apps and text messaging reminders to citizens with pertinent information and more.

2019 HOT GOVERNMENT  all rights reserved

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